True colors personality
True colors personality

Their spectrum shows the strength of each of the personality types. The Real Colors Personality Instrument was developed by. The True Colors Personality Test is an evidence-based assessment that will help you better understand your personality type. It identifies four personality types common across all people and makes them memorable by associating a color with each: gold, blue, green or orange.

true colors personality

The instrument is easy to complete and understand. Because there are variations in the ways people react to circumstances, there are some general themes among personality styles. People take the True Colors Indicator Test and come up with their True Colors Personality Spectrum. What make Real Colors unique is that it bridges theory with real life applications. In essence, you could all be talking about the same thing but using different terms to describe it. What Is True Colors True Colors is a personality inventory that uses four colors to describe personality types.


If you have ever been in a conversation where people are discussing personality types, it can seem like a foreign language to those that don’t understand the vocabulary of that particular system. Today, we will show you how to recognize the colors that can elevate your personality and life, thereby, preparing you to look, think, feel, act, learn and heal your best. Modern scientific studies claim to have found proof that our temperament is coded into our DNA, giving even more validity to this time tested theory. True Color Personality Test Color Personality Test is a five-minute test that decides the color that describes your personality based on decades of research by color psychologists worldwide. Our personality affects everything we do – from how we take in and process information to personal preferences and life decisions. In this system, people generally identify as being one of four colors: blue, green, gold or. Whether you are brand new to personality training or intimately familiar with a favorite system- the power of knowing your personality is undeniable. One of my favorite leadership training sessions is based on the True Colors Personality Assessment. Many of these various systems use special vocabulary such as colors, letters or other terms to describe the same thing- your personality or “temperament”. Today there exist many different systems for categorizing personality traits into meaningful patterns. This discernment of four groupings is a common theme that connects many of the most predominant personality theories. He observed that people in general seemed to have one of four humors, or approaches to life. They often are most successful as faith leaders, counselors, medical professionals, or educators.One of the most notable contributions in history was in 460 BC by Hippocrates (often referred to as the “father of western medicine”). Those whose true color is blue do well in caring occupations that allow them to make a difference in the lives of others. You are not a leader who is the loudest or most charismatic, but rather, you are a quiet leader who inspires others through your own hard work and kindness toward others. You need a partner who does the same, and you feel undervalued in relationships without daily affirmation of your love and commitment. So, once you divide you have four colors and four groups. This means moving into a group based on the first color on the left-hand side of their name tag. It was originally created to categorize at risk youth into four basic learning styles using the colors blue, orange, gold and green to identify the strengths and challenges of these core personality types. Bonner Curriculum: True Color Personality Styles page 5 After you are done with reading have everyone split into groups based on their most like me choices. Your romantic relationships are based on a mutual trust and understanding, and you never waste an opportunity to let your significant other know that you love them – whether that be through a kind word or a kiss. True Colors is a personality profiling system created by Don Lowry in 1978. In your family life, you are always giving words of affirmation, and expect the same in return. Your personality gives you a deep desire to feel appreciated and loved by others. In stressful situations, you are able to remain calm and mediate situations between individuals. You are a genuinely caring and compassionate individual who tries to see the best in others and in every situation.

true colors personality

You are typically calm, optimistic, and kind.

True colors personality